Our cheer season officially starts August 1, 2025.  We have teams for Jr. Tiny Mites (3-4years), Tiny Mites (5-7years), Mitey Mites (7-9years), Jr. PeeWee, PeeWee and JV. 

Planned registration will begin the end of February 2025.

Interested in becoming a Cheerleading Head Coach?
All interested candidates must apply by 2/3/25.
Please follow the link below ⬇️

If you have any specific questions, please email astronautyouthfootball@gmail.com

Dates to keep in mind:

August 1st - Practice officially starts. 

Practice is 5 days a week for 2.5 hours each day starting August 1st until 20 hours of conditioning is met.

Once conditioning hours are met your Cheer Coach will provide you with practice dates and times.

One of the last 2 Saturdays in August will most likely be our first game day for sideline cheer! Keep in mind, games are weekly (we are not guaranteed a bye week) through October. Games can be up to about an hour away from home.

We do participate in the Pop Warner annual cheer competition. Our local level competition will be in October. Regional competition is usually Thanksgiving weekend and Nationals are usually the first week of December. All dates will be announced as soon as available!

Our non-profit is run by 100% volunteers.  In order for our Association to exist we require parents to volunteer.  There are many tasks that must be covered by parents in order for the Association to function, such as, but no limited to Mandatory Play Rule Counter, Chain Crew, and Concessions.  Volunteer coverage will be assigned.  It will be the parent’s responsibility to find their own “coverage” if they can’t volunteer on their assigned day.

We also offer a volunteer opt-out option of $100.00.